Mobile X-Ray Barriers

Mobile x-ray barriers for radiation protection during medical imaging operations. We offer the most versatile range of mobile x-ray barriers for all wishes. Our mobile x-ray barrier range is available in multiple designs, ranging from small lead glass viewing windows to full-screen adjustable lead acrylic viewing windows. Our mobile x-ray barriers come with 2 mm lead shielding and are finished with a full outer plastic laminate coating as per standard supply (crash-proof PVC). The rigid base offers security when using and transporting these mobile x-ray barriers.
- 2 mm lead equivalency, offering excellent attenuation.
- Crash-proof PVC finishing for protection of the lead shielding layer during small accidents.
- Rigid base for secure transportation of the barrier.
- Multiple viewing window variants available.
Click here to contact us if you desire other dimensions, materials, or higher lead shielding levels. We can manufacture any desired x-ray shielding.